Visit States and Tags

Visit States

Each visit will typically go through a flow with a different STATE at each step from creation through completion. A visit can only ever have a single state at a given time, and won't necessarily need to experience every possible state.

The state of a visit is sometimes set automatically, but some can also be set manually by the action of a staff user (ie. pressing the Serve button), or programmatically via the API.

All visit states are associated with a timestamp that is saved on the visit and can be viewed when retrieving the visit via the API or by Visit Export from the UI.

DescriptionTriggered Guest Notification
PENDINGThis state is used to "hold" a booking spot while a guest is in the process of going through the registration flow, but has not yet submitted. Only used when the "Booking Hold" setting has been enabled.
DRAFTThis state is used for "Booking Requests" that require approval of a staff user before becoming an actual booking. Only used when the "Booking Approval" setting has been enabled.Booking request confirmation message
BOOKEDThis state is used for a successfully booked appointment. Typically it would represent an upcoming booking and not one that is currently occurring or in the past, however, it is possible for a past or current occurring booking to have this state if it has not been marked as Served or Completed.Booking Confirmation Message
WAITINGThis state is used for visits that are currently present on the Waitlist, which can include Bookings that have been moved to the Waitlist via Waitlist-sync.Waitlist Confirmation Message
SERVINGThis state is used for visits that have been marked as Served, either from the Waitlist, a presently occurring Booking, or a Capacity Management visit.Serving Message
COMPLETEThis state is used to mark the completion of a visit. A visit can be manually completed by a staff user, automatically via visit auto-complete settings, or programmatically via the API.Completed Message

For example, a typical Waitlist visit will likely experience the following states, and in this order:


However, because a guest can be moved back to the Waitlist from Serving, or even "uncompleted" it is possible to see different orders in state.

A Booking that utilizes all states in it's flow may look like this:


Visit Tags

Visit tags are labeled as "Status Tags" in the UI and multiple tags can be present on a visit at one time. Some tags can be manually/optionally added to a visit by a staff user from the Visit Details view in the UI, while others may be automatically added because of a setting (ie. Auto-remove) or some of other factor. Visit Tags can also be added/removed programmatically via the API (when creating or updating a visit).

Visit tags do not necessarily always coincide with a particular visit state and some may actually be present on a visit through changes in state. All visit tags are associated with a timestamp that is saved on the visit and can be viewed when retrieving the visit via the API or by Visit Export from the UI.

TagDescriptionTriggered Guest Notification
NO-SHOWWhen a staff user has manually marked a visit as "No-show" because the customer did not show up for a scheduled booking, or when it was their turn on the Waitlist.No-show Message
CANCELLEDWhen a visit has been given the status of "Cancelled" either by a staff user, or by the guest themselves from the customer status/confirmation page or via text message.Cancelled Message
REMOVEDWhen a visit has been manually removed by a staff user, or automatically via auto-remove settings.
ALERTEDWhen a staff user has sent an Alert (typically via the Alert button) to a customer during an active visit.Alert Message
ARRIVEDWhen a visit has been given the status of "Arrived" either by a staff user, or by the guest themselves from the customer status/confirmation page or via text message.
DELAYEDWhen a visit has been given the status of "Delayed" either by a staff user, or by the guest themselves from the customer status/confirmation page via text message.
CONFIRMEDWhen a visit has been given the status of "Confirmed" either by a staff user, or by the guest themselves from the customer status/confirmation page.Booking Confirmation Message
EXPIREDWhen a visit has been completed via Auto-remove settings
FLAGGEDA visit that has been marked as "flagged" by a staff user. Typically used along when the "Allow flagged customers to join" setting has been disabled, in order to prevent specific customers from joining the Waitlist or creating future bookings.
IMPORTEDA visit that was imported (either from the Customers page, or via the API)
PRIORITIZEDA Waitlist visit that was prioritized via a Prioritization Rule in Waitlist Settings
CAPACITYA capacity management visit
REJECTEDA booking request (DRAFT visit) that has been rejected.Booking request rejected message

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