🕒 Time & Date Formats
Dates & Timestamps
All timestamps follow the ISO 8601 format.
UTC Format is "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD"
visit.waitlistTime = "2021-01-14T12:49:22.773Z"
Timestamps with Offset
Timestamps may sometimes be displayed as UTC with an offset to represent a location's local time. This is typically only found in visit/customer exports, and not in timestamps from API or Webhook responses.
SERVE_TIME = "2021-07-16T19:20:30+01:00"
Converting UTC Timestamps to Local Timezones
When receiving/ingesting a webhook or API response, you can use your preferred date library (such as Moment.js) to convert ISO 8601 timestamps to the timezone and time/date format of your choice.
Local dates
All booking dates and times are in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm" format and in the local timezone for the location of the booking.
visit.date = "2020-07-16T15:00"
All durations are expressed in seconds.
visit.duration = 1800 // 30 minutes
Updated over 3 years ago