Waitwhile supports setting up webhooks to receive real-time responses for various events that occur in Waitwhile. This can be done for a specific location on the API & Webhooks Settings page or through the API. For each webhook you can choose to receive all events or specific events and for which locations.
The following event types are supported:
- visit.created - Will be triggered when a new Waitlist visit or Booking has been created
- visit.updated - Will be triggered when any change has been made to an existing Waitlist visit or Booking, such change in STATE
- visit.removed - Will only be triggered when a new Waitlist visit or Booking has been DELETED via the API (not when a visit is "Removed" in the UI)
- location-status.updated - Will be triggered any time there has been a change to the status of a location such as number of waiting and available services and resources
- message.created - Will be triggered when an SMS or EMAIL notification has been created for a visit
- message.updated - Will be triggered when the delivery status of an SMS or EMAIL notification has changed (ie. PENDING to DELIVERED)